Respiro by Nicole Barth [6/18/11]

Welcome to the new exhibition.
The portrait hangs proudly in the center of the room,
as its paint strokes pull you in.

Glistening, the brine forced her to shed
the lacquer of hesitation.
Embraced by the endless warmth of the sand, she exhales.
Graceful fingers patiently reach out for you as the sun
kisses her burnt sienna skin.

Tresses the color of smoldering branches
transform themselves into Spanish moss.
Emerald eyes question you from an oval face.

She smirks, all the while radiating tranquility.
The secret of her new beginning is hers and hers alone.

Tambourine Lover by Nicole Barth [6/9/11]

Don't tell me you can't hear me through the looking glass,
when I can feel your every move underneath my skin.

The mood is set.
You already know what's next.
You're dancing between mirages and silhouettes.

No teasing, you waited long enough.
Dancing between the cracks in the walls—
feel the treble course through your fingertips.

A sip of air;
you float through the corridor of dreams.

Hip cocked.
The shadow's eyes are on you.