Dreamer by Nicole Barth [9/30/12]

I am but a minute reflection
of all the late night talks I have had with you,
forever contemplating my melodramatic existence
over a venti latte with two Splendas and a bitter black tea.

The milky sweetness of your drink; the persistent pessimism of mine.
An auburn sunset ripples through your hair.
My mind drifts to the loose thread  beneath the second button of your cotton shirt.

"Hi," you whisper, leaning in to kiss the thought that creased my forehead.

Ashland by Nicole Barth [9/10/12]

If they could see how your fingers curl
around a strand of my morning hair,
your breath like silk
on my honest skin,

They would be
as in love with you as I am.

The parentheses that hold your smile.
 Beauty in its simplicity.
Alive in the silence of filtered sunlight.

My thoughts
frozen in a waiting line.

Wait by Nicole Barth [9/4/12]

Melancholy nights hit you.

And there's no reason for it,
besides searching for the image of
something you've never seen before.

That gnawing persistence that washes away the
limestone of your ribs.

No effortless stanzas in the precomposed
version of a perfected meditation.

If you only knew how to begin.

Melic by Nicole Barth [9/2/12]

We crave to be the inspiration. 

I know that in me are
the bones of a better woman.
You are the quiet in the midst of raging cities.

And I know we are all a little bit damaged.
You mend the silence that hurts to hold.