The Plague of first period lecturing
barreled on ad infinitum—like Protestant Fathers
in the years of 666.
Surely, we were experiencing the Hell
the Londoners believed in,
sitting in this puerile classroom
with the heater on full blast.
The—last thing I want to be learning about.
Great—is my need to stain this bleached dress of mine with true soil; with Missouri mud.
Fire—whoever decided to chain me to this chipping desk so early in the morning.
1666—reasons why I don't want to be here.
Pinched the nerve between my tolerance and sanity
as he did/could/will shove another unwanted dose
of syntax and single verb conjugations
down my throat.
Bleed the pen dry.
Punch the patience out of you.
Layer upon layer of typed brushstrokes:
Edit. Delete. Destroy.
Blank canvas: new document.
Zero willpower.
Train car epiphany.
I have orphaned the
hectically sketched optimism
—thriving within the tea-stained pages—
in the abyss of
blackboards and deadlines.
Strike two.
This is awesome Nicole! I laughed, haha. Beautiful words, and I enjoyed the organization.