TO FEDERICO GARCÍA LORCA by Nicole Barth [10/27/10]

Watch the floating top hats as they nonchalantly step over
the rotting carcasses, plummeting out of the chasm in the sky.
All those aspirations
lie sloshing in the sewer
by their obsidian leather shoes.
The leeches of democracy have sunk their
teeth into the very soul of your musings,
your wants,
your desires.

The grease on the street is not
merely car sludge,
but the decimation of
your naïve expectations.
What did you wish for, Señor Lorca,
when you meandered down the gaping mouth
of depravity, hunger and strife?

Surely you did not find valleys of molten gold
and heaping feasts within the hollowed eyes
of the pavement worshipers.
Crouch by the shuddering lungs that lie exposed
on the gravel beneath your feet,
and vomit the visceral nausea that you have suppressed.

Place your ear by the chapped lips
of the muttering idiot
who lies face down
and feel his abrasive cheek
as his stubble decodes the intricacies
of the blasphemous tower behind your left shoulder.

Only he can tell you
about the vanishing silks,
the fugitive meals
and the lascivious greed,
raping society in the next room.

THE "INNOCENT" by Nicole Barth [10/20/10]

Don't think that I've forgotten--
don't think that I don't know, 
that you would've sung praises 
to the Devil 
down below 

if it meant you could have 
              hidden in the spice cabinet
              for a moment longer, 
              mingling with Rosemary 
              and "unripened tomatoes" 
              while stealing my Thyme.

But did you care?
And were you there?
When the jowls 
a four-legged curmudgeon 
sunk into the pillows of 
Dan's three year old cheeks?
Weren't you the one 
on the other side of my frantic phone call--
his bewildered gaze immobilizing me; 
as I wallowed in a puddle of stupor and shock?

And weren't you the one 
who shrugged through your words, 
nonchalantly reminding me why rubbing alcohol 
was invented as I watched
droplets of scarlet trickle down his lips, 
eventually catapulting themselves off of his chin?

And haven't I always been the one
sprinting for the wet rag and band-aid?
And aren't I the one that tucks him in at 
night and ruffles the shock of midnight hair on his head?

...And yet you still feel entitled to those three words, 
and you still expect me to pretend.


NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED by Nicole Barth [10/7/10]

Is there a prescription for
a repeated slap in the face?
Or would it be labeled
in God's little black book
as a glitch—
a character flaw...
A fuck-up, an oops—
when a young woman
bawls into her calloused hands
as she holds a cancer stick between
her Français plastic nails
in the menacing mouth of the night?

The black bandana's talons
grip her rounded cranium
as her body folds within itself—
her own concavity
the only haven she has
from the bullets of
and despair
that are fired her way.

What are you supposed to say
to a woman who suffocates her sorrow
with carcinogenic fumes?

Have you enough depravity to
spit at the crumbling stoop
of the brownstone
she wallows on?

Or does the knife in the gut—
[surely meant for her]
redirect its course
and twist
in your side?

Can you find the heart
to sit next to the disintegrating
countenance of a broken woman,
whose own blood has cackled in her face,
licked its greedy lips in delight
as it relished in her plight?

Will you embrace a shuddering
until she soaks your shirt?

The rivulets of shattered hopes
running down your shoulder—
you are now the earth that absorbs
and receives both malice and need

Can you complete the orbit—
these neverending sequences
of coincidences
and gut wrenching compassion—only
to realize that you
stand on the other side of the scale?

You are implanted
into the body of a parallel universe.
For you bear the same stain
that released the floodgates
to the sobbing woman's demons.